Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 36 & 37!!!

Saturday was my day36 and I did KenpoX and I enjoyed it. So yesterday was supposed to be my rest day and guess what I chose to do YOGA instead for 35 minutes...

This morning I did Chest,Shoulder & Triceps and AB ripperX in the afternoon. And I just got done with CardioX. This week is my second week going DOUBLES...

After my workout I had green monster...

I made 1 cup of peanut butter homemade apple-sauce oatmeal muffins...
And had 2 for breakfast...

Lunch: homemade black bean-spinach burger with sweet potatoes...

Dinner: Roasted chicken with brown rice and sweet snap peas...

Almonds(favorite snack)
Guadeloupe and grapes


Chayah said...

wtg with the doubles! i had planned to do them but because I do other activities I switched to lean.

Browne Bombshell said...

Go ahead lady. Sounds like you are grabbing this thing by the horns and taking control. You rock!

FitMama said...

Thanks ladies!!! :)