Wednesday, June 23, 2010

45 Down 45 to Go!!!

WOW…I’m halfway done with P90X and starting to feel good about my body. Yesterday was day44 and I did Core Synergistics and enjoy it like always. And today day45 was very busy day and did KenpoX first thing this morning. Is this recovery week over yet? I need to go back to my routine workout. (lol)...

Just had pictures of breakfast and dinner...

White eggs with mushrooms and tomatoes with strawberries and 1 slice of homemade 100% whole wheat banana bread…I took half of the banana bread to my parents today…

Curry shrimp with quinoa and sweet snap peas...


Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

congrats on being half way done! Can't wait to see what you've accomplished by day 90. Love seeing your meals too. The shrimp really looks yummy!

FitMama said...

Thank you! And I can't wait either. :)