Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 3 of Insanity cont'd

Day18 – Cardio Recovery
Day19 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Since starting with this insane journey I’ve been drinking chocolate milk as my recovery drink. I have 1 ½ can of protein powder in the pantry which I barely use. I feel like I don’t really need to drink them; I already get enough protein from my food chicken, fish, shrimp, cottage cheese, egg, quinoa…)

I was so happy when my coach told me she mailed my two samples of shakeology; I still haven’t tried them yet. I need to get on it and use them. And I just start taking this new multivitamin for 3 weeks now I like it and it doesn’t make me feel sick. They recommend taking 2 to 4 per day, so I take 2.

Dinner: Curried Shrimp with Quinoa...

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