Saturday, October 23, 2010

The End of Insanity

Day 58- Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
Day 59- Max Interval Circuit
Day 60- Core Cardio & Balance
Day 61 – Max Interval Plyo
Day 62 – Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

I completed my last Insanity workout; WOW… it feels good to be done with this insane program. For the past few days I was so exhausted and ate so much; I knewit had something to do with Aunt Flo she shows up this morning. So tomorrow I’ll be doing my last fit test and want to wait after to take my measurements and pictures because I’m too bloated right now.

After all… Shaun T. is awesome. He motivated me during the workout to dig deep...I didn’t really get sick of him…


Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Way to go!!!! Congrats on acheiving your goal. Can't wait to see how much you've improved since the first fit test.

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Hey there mama. Want to drop me your mailing address for the DVD? Thanks!! bettyrayblogs at gmail dot com. :)