Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 62 & 63!!!

Day62: Still rocking Plyometrics- Football Hero is one of my favorite moves. It’s the last one move in the workout and I feel so strong at the end of it...

Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper X
- I’ve been using my 5lbs dumbbells so I got some new 10lbs weights and I used them this morning. My triceps are still screaming and I can still feel the burns. And I didn’t smash my face while I was doing the “Lying Down Triceps Extension”. LOL…

I burned over 1,500 calories this morning. After I got done I was so ready to eat. I ended up having some protein shake with a banana...

I drink tons of water, today I just realized that I drank 1 liter of was within 2-hours. Like Tony said “drink your water people”…

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